Statement by H.E. Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN at the plenary session of the Second Committee on 8 October 2014

Statement by H.E. Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN at the plenary session of the Second Committee on 8 October 2014

Thank you Mr. Chairman,

Let me begin by congratulating you, and your colleagues at the Bureau of the Second Committee, on your election to this important body. Bangladesh, as an active member of the United Nations, assures you of full support in discharging your duties, and for taking our discussions and deliberations here in this committee to a successful and fruitful end result.

  1. At this point, my delegation aligns itself with the statements made by Bolivia and Benin on behalf of the Group of 77 and China and LDCs respectively.

Mr. Chair,

  1. A year has passed since our statements at the plenary of the Second Committee, in this same room. The issues that we discussed that day, are still relevant, and still evolving. It is important that we are clear about our priorities, and by “our”, we mean the membership of the United Nations, not any particular interest group. We have taken steps forward in terms of sustainable development goals, we are working closely on post 2015 development agenda, and we are gearing up for the third conference on financing for development. But, Mr. Chair, we should not get over-excited, and lose focus on tasks at hand that still remain to be finished. We have been hearing, and telling ourselves, that post-2015 development agenda will build upon the Millennium Development Goals. Now, have we been able to make the base of MDG strong enough, on which to build the next structure? We still have around 400 days left to achieve the MDG targets, and we must make the thrust to meet that deadline with as much success as possible. In this context, the role of the Second Committee will be of utmost importance and my delegation will support you in your efforts.
  2. During the past one year, the membership of UN intensely discussed, deliberated, and negotiated over the sustainable development goals. It is important that we start taking the next steps regarding the SDGs. The sooner we create the links between the MDGs and the SDGs, the easier it will be to ensure smooth transitions.
  3. The deliberations on the issue of post-2015 development agenda will of course play key role in shaping the future development scenario. Bangladesh urges all the States to address this task with one overarching goal in mind – eradication of poverty. If the post-2015 development agenda fails to eradicate poverty from this earth, then all our efforts will be judged as failure by our next generations.

Mr. Chair,

  1. All the targets and goals and work programmes deliberated in this august organization will require ambitious and appropriate financing, and the importance of financing for development has grown manifold. We look forward to a productive conference on FFD in Addis Ababa next year, and my delegation will engage and contribute constructively in the process and the substance of this meeting.
  2. My delegation has always been campaigning for making migration an integral part of the development discourse, and we are happy to note that the most of Membership of the UN are on the same wave length on this issue, being committed to reduce the cost of migration, and ensuring that migration policies are pro-people and pro-poor. We will be ready to contribute on discussions regarding this important issue.
  3. As an active member of the LDCs, Bangladesh would also like to draw attention of this Committee to the issues of key importance to the LDCs, the most vulnerable group. Nearly three-fourth of the people in the Least Developed Countries as a whole still live below the poverty-level. LDCs’ share to the global trade is around 1%, and that number has not changed in the last four decades.

The developed countries promised to provide 0.15 – 0.20% of their GNI to LDCs as ODA, and although some development partners have fulfilled their commitments, we are yet to see complete implementation of the pledges by all developed countries.

  1. Whichever programme of work or agenda or goals we are talking about – the overarching goal, the first and the most important target of all our deliberations must be complete eradication of poverty, and I am sure all my colleagues will agree to that. As long there will be LDCs, with their extreme poverty, with their capacity constraints, with their marginal position on the global platform, we must work even harder. We can only congratulate ourselves when all LDCs will successfully graduate.

Mr. Chair,

  1. This Committee deals with “economic and financial” issues, the key areas to address the issues of poverty, and development. Our deliberations will have to be visionary, and at the same time practical, and action oriented. We must work hard to ensure that poverty is completely eradicated, that there is stable and sustainable economic growth globally, and that no one is left behind in our journey forward.

I thank you.