Statement of Bangladesh made on behalf of the LDC Group in ECOSOC Segment on the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR) Wednesday, 1 March 2017 ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters, New York, USA

Statement of Bangladesh made on behalf of the LDC Group in ECOSOC Segment on the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR)

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters, New York, USA

Thank you Mr. President

I commend you and your bureau for organising this meeting. I make this statement on behalf of 48 least developed countries. We align ourselves with the statement made by G77.

I will highlight a few points:

First: the QCPR Resolution has requested the system to address the special challenges facing the LDCs and other countries in special situations. It recognizes that the LDCs are the most vulnerable group of countries in the world and they need support from the UNDS for their implementation of the IPOA and the SDGs. It also emphasizes that the ODA commitments must be fulfilled for the LDCs which is a critical source of UNDS. When a number of LDCs are on the path of graduation from the LDC category, the QCPR resolution has asked for comprehensive and targeted support for those graduating and the graduated LDCs for a specific period after the graduation. Another important achievement of the LDCs in respect of the QCPR resolution is that the UNDS has been mandated to provide support to the newly established Technology Bank for the LDCs for its effective operationalization which would help these countries to overcome technological handicaps.

Second: UN system needs to reposition itself according to the mandates of the QCPR. Business-as- usual is no longer an option. Thus, the new QCPR rightly calls for a stronger UNDS that is better positioned to provide support to the developing countries in implementing the SDGs. It is vitally important that specific priorities accorded to LDCs be duly integrated into the respective strategic plans, operational activities and programmes of the UNDS in support of LDCs.

Third:  The SG’s report articulates that the current funding trends are, for the most part, moving in the opposite direction towards reduced flexibility, less predictability and more fragmentation of resources. This is totally in the opposite direction from the QCPR principles and guidelines. This needs to be reversed.

Fourth: For LDCs the most imminent issue is the enhanced normative and operational support including financial and technical support to realize SDGs and the IPoA. The existing level of contributions for operational activities is far from adequate. The development related support to LDCs has fallen from 53 per cent in 2014 to 47 per cent in 2015. This is a major concern. Humanitarian assistance is vitally important in the event of crisis and shocks. We appreciate our development partners for their support. However, the humanitarian assistance should not be at the expense of the core development activities of the UN.

Fifth: We also urge the UNDS to come forward with innovative ways to strengthen cooperation among countries, including among the South, towards accelerating the implementation of the IPoA. We are encouraged that IDA 18 has mobilized more than 75 billion USD through innovative ways. We expect that a major share of this amount will be allocated to LDCs. Income only criteria is not enough. The LDCs’ EVI and HAI should also be considered in allocating IDA.

Finally: Eradicating poverty and hunger, access to public health, education and other social services, addressing the impacts of climate change and building productive capacity in the LDCs should remain at the centre of the United Nations development cooperation efforts.  The system also needs to support LDCs in data, statistics, knowledge platforms and support for the national implementation of the Goals through monitoring and reporting.

I Thank you.