Statement by Mr. Rafiqul Alam Molla, Counsellor of Bangladesh Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York on Thematic Debate: “Other Disarmament Measures and International Security”, First Committee 77th Session United Nations General, 24 October 2022

Mr. Chair,

Bangladesh aligns itself with the statement delivered by Indonesia on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

The disarmament discourse continues to be redefined by rapid technological advancements, including emerging weapons technologies, artificial intelligence and biotechnology. Particularly, the revolution in information and communication technologies (lCT) and the Internet has fundamentally changed our way of life.

While human life is being revolutionized by digital connectivity, the risks posed by this on international peace and security cannot be underestimated. We must, therefore, remain alert in detecting malicious use of technologies that could jeopardize our security.


Mr. Chair,

The cyberspace must be considered as a global public good that should benefit everyone, everywhere without any discrimination. To take advantage of the enormous benefits of digital technologies, the international community must develop a secure, safe, trusted and open ICT environment underpinned by applicability of international law to cyberspace, well-defined norms of responsible State behavior, robust Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) and coordinated capacity building.

Cyber security is a matter of international peace and security and thus requires close international cooperation. The UN Secretary-General has also identified cyber warfare as a key strategic risk in his report on ‘Our Common Agenda’. No single country can respond to the threats of cyberattack alone.

Member States must, therefore, create a climate in which all States are able to enjoy the full benefits of cyberspace. Our only hope for a free, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful ICT environment is through multilateralism and we underscore that the UN should play a leading role in the development of international cyber norms.


Mr. Chair,

Bangladesh considers the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security established by the GA Resolution 73/27 as an important and inclusive mechanism within the UN. We reaffirm our constructive engagement for the success of the current OEWG and welcome the consensus adoption of its first Annual Progress Report, which we believe, will serve as a roadmap for our future discussion. We also acknowledge the work of previous GGEs and its reports, which contain important recommendations to promote an open, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful ICT environment.

We support, in absence of a globally accepted norms structure, the principles of the UN Charter and relevant international law should apply to the cyber space to maintaining peace and stability. In Bangladesh, we are investing in promoting a robust cyber-security culture across the government and the society. We have put in place necessary frameworks, policies and strategies, and continuously building upon them.  We seek international cooperation in our efforts particularly in capacity building and confidence building measures.


Mr. Chair,

Bangladesh attaches great importance to mainstreaming and preserving relevant environmental norms in the international legal regime concerning disarmament and arms control. The applicability or relevance of such legal norms to disarmament in the seabed and outer space should be subject to further informed research and analysis.

Education plays a fundamental role in fostering understanding on humanitarian and economic consequences of armament. Bangladesh reiterates the importance of disarmament and non-proliferation education. We wish to put on record our appreciation for the continued useful work being done by UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), and stresses the need for ensuring enhanced and predictable resources for the Institute to deliver on its mandates and thus help expand and manage its knowledge base for the general consumption of all Member States.

To conclude, Mr. chair, we must put people at the center of our disarmament efforts, and ensure disarmament that saves lives today and tomorrow. Let us continue to work together to ensure a more secure world.

I thank you.