Statement by H.E. Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations in New York at the BBNJ Conference, 19 June 2023, General Assembly Hall, United Nations Headquarters

Thank you Madam President.

Bangladesh aligns itself with the statement delivered by Cuba on behalf of Group of 77 and China. In addition to that I wish to flag a few points in my national capacity.


Madame President,

Today’s adoption of the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Agreement by the United Nations General Assembly marks a historic milestone in the realm of multilateral diplomacy. Four decades after the enforcement of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), this achievement represents a significant step towards global governance and responsibility for the protection and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond national jurisdiction.

On this auspicious occasion, Madame President, I wish to reiterate our heartfelt appreciations to you [Ambassador Rena Lee, the President of the BBNJ Intergovernmental process], for your extraordinary leadership in successfully concluding the negotiations process of the text of. Your commitment, experience and  diplomatic skills have advanced the spirit of collaboration and help build consensus among the delegations, facilitating the much-needed progress in this critical area of international concern. THANK YOU!

I also take this opportunity to thank the successive chairs of the Group of 77 and China for aptly representing the developing world in this important process and advancing our interest.

Most importantly I thank all delegations, particularly those engaged in this decades-long negotiations, for their dedication, hard work and spirit of flexibility which has led to today’s adoption. Our present and future generations owe you a great deal.


Madame President,

By establishing a robust framework for cooperation, the Agreement sets the stage for enhanced scientific research, capacity-building, and the equitable sharing of benefits derived from marine genetic resources.

It was an honor for the Bangladesh delegation to actively participate in the negotiation process , as a member of the Group of 77 and China, and contribute to shaping the text. We are delighted to witness the inclusion of the Principle of the Common Heritage of Mankind, a proposal put forth by Bangladesh. This principle holds immense significance as it acknowledges the global responsibility for preserving and equitably utilizing marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, ensuring it remains a common heritage for all of humanity.

We extend our deep gratitude to the Group of 77 and China for its leadership in advancing this proposal, and also appreciate the collaboration of other groups in reaching a consensus on this vital issue.

Going forward, Madam President, it is imperative that we translate the commitments into tangible actions. This entails the early ratification of the Agreement by member states to facilitate its enforcement. During the implementation stage, it will be necessary to mobilize resources, strengthen institutions, and engage all stakeholders, including civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector. By working together, we can ensure the effective implementation of the BBNJ Agreement, safeguarding our oceans and the biodiversity they sustain for generations to come.

In conclusion, I reiterate my delegation’s full commitment to remain engaged in the next steps. We look forward to collaborating with the international community to fulfill our shared responsibilities.

I thank you.