Statement by H.E. Mr. Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations in New York at the 3rd UN High level conference of the Heads of Counter-Terrorism Institutions of Member States, 20 June 2023, CR-4, United Nations Headquarters

[Session III: The Global Threat Landscape: Assessment of Current and Emerging Trends]

Distinguished Co-chairs,

I commend your excellent leadership in skillfully conducting this crucial session. I must say, your insightful remarks have put today’s discussions on a solid ground. I thank the special guests and all panelists for their very informing and thought-provoking presentations.

The evolving landscape of international terrorism demands our serious attention and concerted efforts. New and decentralized terrorist networks are on the rise. The exploitation of emerging technologies has become a growing concern. Cyberterrorism, involving attacks on critical infrastructure and online propaganda campaigns, present a significant threat. The potential weaponization of artificial intelligence, use of drones, and other new & emerging technologies by terrorists further amplifies these concerns.

While we are speaking today here on the emerging trends of terrorism, I cannot but draw the attention of this house to the terrorists’ attacks on UN peacekeepers taking place with increased intensity around the world. As the top troops and police contributing country to of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, such trend of terrorist activities is of  great concern to my delegation. I thank Permanent Representative of Albania Ambassador Ferit Hoxha and ASG Khaled Khiari for flagging this very important issue.

To effectively counter the evolving trends of terrorism, international cooperation, information sharing, and comprehensive approaches are vital. Nations must work together, along with intelligence agencies and law enforcement entities, to address the root causes of radicalization, disrupt financing networks, strengthen border security, and promote counter-narratives. By remaining vigilant and adaptable to new technologies, we can collectively build a safer and more secured world.

To counter terrorist attack on UN Peacekeepers, we must work together with the UN playing the central role. In this regard, we reiterate our call to ensure necessary resources for peacekeepers to ensure their safety and security as well as the protection of civilians.

Bangladesh maintains a policy of ‘zero tolerance’ towards terrorism and violent extremism. We have enacted comprehensive laws, including the Anti-Terrorism Act and the Money Laundering Prevention Act, and are in the process of developing our first National Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Bangladesh is party to international counter-terrorism instruments and firmly opposes the use of its territory for any terrorist activities.

We look forward to working with you all for a world without terrorism.  I thank you for your kind attention.
