Statement by Md. Rafiqul Alam Molla, Counsellor, at the 5th substantive session during the adoption of the 2nd APR of the OEWG on ICT, CR-2, 28 July 2023

Mr. Chair, and distinguished Colleagues,

Good morning.

My delegation join others in expressing o heartfelt appreciation to the Chair and his team for presenting the latest version of the APR, that requires a lot of hard work and dedication.

Though, my delegation is not entirely happy with the draft as many of our proposals and language suggestions are not reflected. We, however, think that the APR, we have before us, adeptly navigates a delicate balance of diverse views, priorities, and competing positions, that deserves our full support.


Mr. Chair,

As we move forward in our deliberations, let us be guided by the principles of mutual respect, openness and flexibility in order to achieve common good and the interests of all nations.

Bangladesh firmly believes that unity and cooperation are the cornerstones of progress. My delegation expects that every delegation would rise above differences and join hands in adopting the annual progress report by consensus. By doing so, we demonstrate our commitment to dialogue, understanding, and compromise – which are essential elements for multilateralism.


Distinguished delegates,

Let us seize this moment to set aside our divergent positions and work towards consolidating the gains made thus far and move forward with a strong footing harmonious and collaborative decision. Together, we can make a difference, and together, we can shape a brighter future for generations to come.

My delegation will support the APR as it stands now.

I thank you.