Intervention by Mr. Md. Rafiqul Alam Molla, Counsellor of Bangladesh at the 7th substantive session of the Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021-2025 (OEWG) on Capacity Building Section on 07 March 2024 at CR-4, UNHQs

Thank you, Mr. Chair.


Bangladesh reaffirms that capacity building is at the core of the success of this group. There is no denial that developing countries are in critical need of robust capacity building to develop the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to effectively implement responsible state behavior in the use of ICTs.

The mapping exercise done by the Secretariat to survey the landscape of capacity-building programs and initiatives has also underscored that capacity-building should remain a fundamental and cross-cutting pillar of all related discussions on ICT security.


Chair, you asked about foundational capacities required for States to detect, defend against, or respond to malicious ICT activities, my delegation would like to highlight the followings:


First, building robust cybersecurity capabilities requires, in the first place, a skilled workforce in areas like cybersecurity, forensic analysis, threat intelligence, and incident response.

Second, dedicated national entities focused on ICT security play a crucial role in leading and coordinating responses. Strengthening or creating such institutions, including CERTs serves as the frontline defense for detecting, responding to, and recovering from ICT incidents.

Third, clear legal and policy frameworks provide the foundation for taking legal action against malicious activities. A whole-of-government approach, engaging with stakeholders and fostering partnerships, enhances its effectiveness.

Fourth, effective collaboration with other states and international organizations through established channels like CERT-to-CERT cooperation is paramount. It is equally important to share information, best practices, and collaborative responses to address cross-border cyber threats is crucial.


Mr. Chair,

While the mentioned steps are basic yet critical as a first step for initiating capacity-building programs, at the same time it is very important to acknowledge that capacity-building requirements vary from country to country, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, my delegation highlighted the importance of a needs-based approach for capacity building in previous sessions. The pivotal question then becomes: How do we effectively assess the specific needs of countries for capacity building and what are the available programmes we have?

To this end, we support the idea presented by the distinguished colleague from the Philippines, which may have the potential to address this question.

It is also important to ensure that such a matrix should be updated regularly to incorporate new programmes and needs as they emerge. Global Cyber Security Cooperation Portal, as presented by India in the last session could be the possible host of such a matrix.


Chair, we believe that for a capacity-building program to be successful, it is imperative to involve the industry. Without enhanced collaboration between states and industry, we may not be able to achieve the desired results that we all aspire to attain.

The roundtable discussion on capacity building scheduled in May could provide a valuable opportunity to delve deeper into this matter.


Finally, a gender-sensitive approach to capacity building is critical. We must consider the gender impacts and implications of cyber threats and address the needs, priorities, and capacities of women and girls. Additionally, it is crucial for States to actively engage with youth activists and young professionals in the field of ICTs, as they are driving innovation and making remarkable contributions to the field of technology.

I thank you.