Statement by H.E. Mr. Md Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the General Discussion on the Organization of Work of the Fifth Committee at the Second Resumed Session of the UNGA 78 on 06 May 2024 at Conference Room 3, UNHQs

Mr. Chairman,

I thank you for giving me the floor. Bangladesh aligns itself with the statement delivered by Uganda on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. Allow me to highlight a few other issues in my national capacity.

Being a steadfast supporter and longstanding contributor to the UN peacekeeping operations, Bangladesh attaches special importance to this session. At present, we are contributing around 6,000 peacekeepers in 10 peacekeeping missions. On this occasion let me express my deepest tribute to all peacekeepers who made supreme sacrifices in the line of duty including 168 brave souls from Bangladesh.

Mr. Chair,

 Timely provision of adequate resources is critical for the success of any operation in terms of fulfilling their mandates. Also, protracted delays in reimbursement to the TCCs/PCCs exacerbate their financial burdens. Therefore, we urge all member states to pay their peacekeeping assessment in full and on time to enable the blue helmets to carry out their critical responsibilities effectively and efficiently.

At the same time, we request the Secretariat to continue to strengthen the comprehensive budgetary performance, improve internal control and rigorously enforce financial discipline. However, this should not result in a mechanical cost-cutting exercise. Rather, we must ensure that the approval of the peacekeeping operation budgets is based on their mandates and the real situation on the ground taking into account unforeseen emergencies.

Mr. Chair,

 We have noted that some initiatives have been undertaken to increase the proper representation of the less represented countries. However, the measures undertaken this far is not sufficient. We urge the Secretary-General to ensure proper representation of the TPCCs at all levels particularly at the senior and policy making levels in the field and in the Headquarters, keeping in mind their contributions in the ground. At the same time, innovative measures need to be undertaken to increase the overall number of geographical posts to reduce the existing imbalance in the human resources structure of the UN.

 We must understand the demanding and challenging conditions faced by the peacekeepers on the ground and must do everything necessary to maintain their safety and security. Secretary-General’s “Action for Peace” initiative provides necessary direction in this regard. The prevalent security and socio-economic conditions necessitate a realignment of peacekeeping mission mandates to include tasks that were traditionally not assigned to peacekeepers. Now, it is more important than ever infusing peacebuilding elements in the peacekeeping operations in order to reinforce resilience and enhance the capacity of security and governance institutions of the host countries for seamless transitions and prevent relapse into conflict.

We must also continue to invest in our collective efforts towards full, effective, and meaningful participation of women at all peacekeeping levels and positions. We need to ensure their representation in senior leadership position by following the guidelines of Security Council Resolution 2538. I am happy to inform that increased participation of women in peacekeeping missions has been made a key strategic objective of the National Action Plan on WPS in Bangladesh.

Mr. Chair,

Before concluding, we also urge all delegations to demonstrate utmost flexibility and engage in constructive discussions during the session to achieve a consensus-based outcome as per the practice of the Fifth Committee.

I thank you all.
