Nirupam Nath

Opening Statement by the President of the Executive Board H.E. Ms. Rabab Fatima, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the UNICEF Executive Board annual session 2020 on 29 June

Excellencies, Executive Director Fore, Distinguished Delegates, Dear Colleagues, Good Morning. I wish to begin by thanking Executive Director Ms. Fore and all UNICEF staff for their dedicated and courageous efforts over the past few months to respond to the many challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Serving on the front lines of the global response, …

Opening Statement by the President of the Executive Board H.E. Ms. Rabab Fatima, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the UNICEF Executive Board annual session 2020 on 29 June Read More »

Statement by H.E. Rabab Fatima at the Ambassadorial Briefing on “Equitable sharing of benefits from sustainable development of seabed resources: Opportunities for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS”, 25 June 2020 at 10:00-11:30am, New York  

I thank you Madame USG. Excellencies, USG, Secretary General ISA, Dear Colleagues – good morning. I wish to thank the Office of the High Representative, and my good friends, Amb. Ligoya, Amb. Umarov and Amb. Young and their Missions for organizing today’s important briefing and for their excellent statements. I thank the briefers for their …

Statement by H.E. Rabab Fatima at the Ambassadorial Briefing on “Equitable sharing of benefits from sustainable development of seabed resources: Opportunities for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS”, 25 June 2020 at 10:00-11:30am, New York   Read More »

Statement by H.E. Rabab Fatima, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict on 23 June 2020, New York

Mr. President, I thank you for organizing this virtual Open Debate. We also thank SRSG Ms. Gamba, UNICEF ED Ms. Fore and other briefers for sharing their valuable insights. We appreciate the efforts of the Council’s Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) and Working Group on CAAC. Participation of children and dialogue with parties to the …

Statement by H.E. Rabab Fatima, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict on 23 June 2020, New York Read More »

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Ms. Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the High Level Meeting on “Trends, Options and Strategies in Poverty Eradication across the World” on the occasion of the launching of UN Alliance for Poverty Eradication, 23 June 2020

I thank you, Mr. President, for taking the initiative of forming a UN Alliance for Poverty Eradication. Bangladesh is happy to participate in this timely initiative, and to contribute to its work. The unprecedented crisis caused by the COVID 19 is projected to push millions of people to poverty. We had embarked on the journey …

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Ms. Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the High Level Meeting on “Trends, Options and Strategies in Poverty Eradication across the World” on the occasion of the launching of UN Alliance for Poverty Eradication, 23 June 2020 Read More »

Statement delivered by Mr. Iqbal Abdullah Harun, Minister, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the UN at the Annual Session of the UN Women Executive Board on 22 June 2020

Mr. President, I would like to thank you and the Executive Director Madame Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka for your statements today. We take note of the progress achieved by UN Women in the implementation of its 2018-21 Strategic Plan. We particularly appreciate your role in ensuring centrality of gender equality and women empowerment in the UN’s sustainable …

Statement delivered by Mr. Iqbal Abdullah Harun, Minister, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the UN at the Annual Session of the UN Women Executive Board on 22 June 2020 Read More »

Intervention by Mr. Nirupam Dev Nath, Counsellor during the Interactive Dialogue with the Fourth Committee overall policy matters pertaining to Special Political Mission on the impact of COVID-19 on the work of special political missions on 17 June 2020

Mr. Chair, We thank you for convening this interactive dialogue on the overall policy matters pertaining to SPMs with specific focus on Impact of COVID- 19 on the work of special political missions. We also thank USG DiCarlo and USG Khare for their comprehensive briefings. We appreciate SPMs continued work even during this challenging time. …

Intervention by Mr. Nirupam Dev Nath, Counsellor during the Interactive Dialogue with the Fourth Committee overall policy matters pertaining to Special Political Mission on the impact of COVID-19 on the work of special political missions on 17 June 2020 Read More »

Intervention by Tareq Md Ariful Islam, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh at the event commemorating International Day of Family Remittances, New York, 16 June 2020

I thank you, Mr. Moderator. At the outset, I would like to thank the Permanent Missions of Guatemala, the Philippines, Moldova and Madagascar for organizing this event to observe the International Family Remittances Day. In the backdrop of Covid-19 pandemic, there could not be a better time for this meeting. It provides an opportunity to …

Intervention by Tareq Md Ariful Islam, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh at the event commemorating International Day of Family Remittances, New York, 16 June 2020 Read More »

Remarks by Ambassador Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh at the Virtual Meeting of P4G to build back better and greener: A discussion on the role of partnerships in the green recovery and the road to COP26 on 16 June 2020

Excellencies, Distinguished Panellists, Dear Colleagues – good morning. I am very pleased to join today’s discussion on this timely and topical subject, as now more than ever, we need to build upon and strengthen partnerships. I thank the Permanent Missions of Denmark and the Republic of Korea for organizing today’s discussion on the role of …

Remarks by Ambassador Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh at the Virtual Meeting of P4G to build back better and greener: A discussion on the role of partnerships in the green recovery and the road to COP26 on 16 June 2020 Read More »

Statement by H.E. Rabab Fatima, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN at the Thematic Debate on the Selection and Appointment of the UN Secretary-General and other executive heads Tuesday, 16 June 2020

We thank the Co-chairs of the Ad hoc Working Group for convening this final debate in this series of thematic debates for revitalization of the General Assembly. This is perhaps the most important topic in the agenda of the Working Group this year, as the process of selection and appointment of the next UN Secretary …

Statement by H.E. Rabab Fatima, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN at the Thematic Debate on the Selection and Appointment of the UN Secretary-General and other executive heads Tuesday, 16 June 2020 Read More »

Written Statement by H.E. Ms. Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the PBC Ambassadorial level electronic consultation on “Financing and Partnerships for Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace”

 Mr. Chair, I thank you for organizing this electronic consultation and for the opportunity to share our perspectives on Financing and Partnerships for Peacebuilding and Sustaining peace as part of the 2020 review of the Peacebuilding Architecture. Let me also take this opportunity to thank all the briefers for their valuable insights on this important …

Written Statement by H.E. Ms. Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the PBC Ambassadorial level electronic consultation on “Financing and Partnerships for Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace” Read More »