
Statement by H. E. Mr. Md Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the Security Council Open Debate on “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Addressing Evolving Threats in Cyberspace” on 20 June 2024 at Security Council Chamber, UNHQs

Mr. President,  I thank the Republic of Korea, the current President of the Council, for convening this important open debate. I also thank the briefers for their insightful presentations. In the evolving digital landscape, cyber threats have become pervasive and often imminent, disrupting global financial, democratic, socio-cultural, and security structures. The 2024 Global Risks Report …

Statement by H. E. Mr. Md Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the Security Council Open Debate on “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Addressing Evolving Threats in Cyberspace” on 20 June 2024 at Security Council Chamber, UNHQs Read More »

Statement by Md. Rafiqul Alam Molla, Counsellor at the Fourth Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects on 18 June 2024 at UNHQs

Thank you, Madame President. At the outset, I congratulate you, Ambassador Maritza Chan on your election as the President of the 4th Review Conference on the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects. I assure you the fullest …

Statement by Md. Rafiqul Alam Molla, Counsellor at the Fourth Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects on 18 June 2024 at UNHQs Read More »

Statement by H.E. Dr. Mohammed Hasan Mahmud, MP, Foreign Minister of Bangladesh at General Debate of 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) on 28 May 2024 in Antigua and Barbuda.

Mr. President, Excellencies, Distinguished delegates, It is a pleasure to be here at Saint John’s for the 4th UN Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Conference. We felicitate the co-facilitators, UN-DESA and UN-OHRLLS for finalizing the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS). Mr. President, [Bangladesh’s Commitment to SIDS] Bangladesh is attending this Conference to reaffirm …

Statement by H.E. Dr. Mohammed Hasan Mahmud, MP, Foreign Minister of Bangladesh at General Debate of 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) on 28 May 2024 in Antigua and Barbuda. Read More »

Opening Remarks by H.E. Dr. Mohammed Hasan Mahmud, MP, Foreign Minister of Bangladesh at UN Friends of Vision Group’s Official Side-Event on ‘Delivering Universal Eye Care: Innovative Capacity Building to End Avoidable Sight Loss, Strengthen Health System Resiliency and Accelerate Progress towards the SDGs’ on 27 May 2024 at American University of Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda.

Hon’ble Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Trade & Barbuda Affairs, Mr. Chet Greene, Excellencies, Distinguished participants, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure to join you for this side event being held under the aegis of the UN Friends of Vision Group. I thank Foreign Minister Greene for gathering us here, and especially for taking …

Opening Remarks by H.E. Dr. Mohammed Hasan Mahmud, MP, Foreign Minister of Bangladesh at UN Friends of Vision Group’s Official Side-Event on ‘Delivering Universal Eye Care: Innovative Capacity Building to End Avoidable Sight Loss, Strengthen Health System Resiliency and Accelerate Progress towards the SDGs’ on 27 May 2024 at American University of Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda. Read More »

Statement by H.E. Mr. Md Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the General Discussion on the Organization of Work of the Fifth Committee at the Second Resumed Session of the UNGA 78 on 06 May 2024 at Conference Room 3, UNHQs

Mr. Chairman, I thank you for giving me the floor. Bangladesh aligns itself with the statement delivered by Uganda on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. Allow me to highlight a few other issues in my national capacity. Being a steadfast supporter and longstanding contributor to the UN peacekeeping operations, Bangladesh attaches special …

Statement by H.E. Mr. Md Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the General Discussion on the Organization of Work of the Fifth Committee at the Second Resumed Session of the UNGA 78 on 06 May 2024 at Conference Room 3, UNHQs Read More »

Statement by H.E. Mr. Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the UNGA Plenary debate pursuant to res. 76/262 (use of veto on “Admission of New Members”) at GA Hall, UNHQs on 01 May 2024.

Mr. President,  We thank you for convening today’s plenary debate pursuant to resolution 76/262, on the use of veto on 18 April 2024 in the UN Security Council, by one Permanent Member, on the resolution recommending the admission of the State of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations. Mr. President, It has …

Statement by H.E. Mr. Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the UNGA Plenary debate pursuant to res. 76/262 (use of veto on “Admission of New Members”) at GA Hall, UNHQs on 01 May 2024. Read More »

Statement by H.E. Dr. Rokeya Sultana, M.P., Hon’ble State Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh at the 57th Session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD57) on 30 April 2024 at CR 4, UNHQs

Madam Chair, Excellencies, Distinguished delegates We welcome the adoption of the Political Declaration on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of ICPD programme of Action. We believe, implementation of ICPD programme of action is essential for achieving sustainable development goals. To reinforce this message on the occasion of ICPD-30, we are hosting the global dialogue …

Statement by H.E. Dr. Rokeya Sultana, M.P., Hon’ble State Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh at the 57th Session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD57) on 30 April 2024 at CR 4, UNHQs Read More »

Statement by Mr. Toufiq Islam Shatil, Deputy Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the 46th session of the Committee on Information on 30 April 2024 at Conference room 1, UNHQs

Mr. Chair, I congratulate you for assuming the Chairmanship of the Committee. I also join others commending you and the members of the Bureau for the excellent leadership and the work done by the Committee. We welcome Haiti and Uganda in the Committee as new member. We thank USG Melissa Fleming for her informative and …

Statement by Mr. Toufiq Islam Shatil, Deputy Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the 46th session of the Committee on Information on 30 April 2024 at Conference room 1, UNHQs Read More »

Statement by H.E. Mr. Md Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security: Preventing conflict-related sexual violence through demilitarisation and gender-responsive arms control at Security Council Chamber, UNHQ on 23 April 2024.

Madam President, I thank the Presidency of Malta for convening today’s open debate. I also thank the distinguished briefers for their remarks. Madam President, Significant efforts have been made by the United Nations in the last couple of years to address conflict related sexual violence, including through the inter-agency network – United Nations Action against …

Statement by H.E. Mr. Md Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security: Preventing conflict-related sexual violence through demilitarisation and gender-responsive arms control at Security Council Chamber, UNHQ on 23 April 2024. Read More »

Statement by H.E. Muhammad A. Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations, the Plenary meeting of the General Assembly on the use of veto at GA Hall, UNHQs on 23 April 2024

Mr. President, I thank you for convening today’s important debate on the ‘Use of Veto’ under Agenda item 63. This is important in the context of the ongoing serious polarization in the Council, resulting into unfortunate stalemate on a number of issues that are major threats to international peace and security. Bangladesh continues to reiterate …

Statement by H.E. Muhammad A. Muhith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations, the Plenary meeting of the General Assembly on the use of veto at GA Hall, UNHQs on 23 April 2024 Read More »